Nature This Month: August

In England long ago, the name for August was Weodmonath, or “the month when weeds flourish.” August begins the slowing down of the growing season in nature. Leaves begin drying out on plants and trees; flowers fade; young adult animals leave their family groups. Some birds begin migrating south. The days become shorter, and the sun’s path through the sky is already lower toward the horizon. By August’s end, there may have already been a frost in northern areas. The vegetable gardens are full of produce and trees have prepared most of their buds for next year’s growth.

The August moon is called the Maize Moon by some Native American tribes because the corn is ripe for harvesting.

The meadows and fields are filled with activity.
Be sure to carry your Nature Journal every where you go. You may see things like:

Barn swallows

Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies

Meadow grasses:

Orchard grass; Timothy grass; Redtop grass


… all these grasses make great hay for horses,cows, goats and sheep for winter months ahead.

Yellowthroat warblers

Meadow grasshoppers

Meadow Voles

Caterpillars of the Cecropia Moth

Milkweed Plants

Monarch Butterflies

Field Crickets


Birds of Prey –  such as hawks

Take a walk in a meadow, field or even your own backyard, and listen for the rasping of grasshoppers, the sound of crickets, and the buzzing of cicadas. Do you hear any birds? See how many different flowers, insects and grasses you can find.

Be sure to take your Nature Journal and sketch some of these special things.
Imagine what this place will look like in the fall, winter and spring.