My Journey in 2011 – August
While standing on my front deck today, just staring out at the cornfield across the street, I heard a buzzing sound very close to my head. I looked up at a wind chime my daughter had made many years ago. It was paint with bright colors and the top part where the chimes hung from was made from wood. The buzzing sound happened to a Ruby throated hummingbird! The silly bird was trying to get nectar out of a wind chime! The funny part was that he wasn’t afraid of me! I stood still and continued to watch this ridiculous sight! When he realized he wasn’t getting a meal, he buzzed off.
While visiting my Dad in New Jersey, I had the opportunity to experience an earthquake! Having always lived on the east coast that experience is rare. Today at 1:51 pm there was an earthquake of 5.8 magnitude with the epicenter in a small town called Mineral, Virginia. I was sitting in a chair which leaned against the wall of my Dad’s nursing home room, when the wall started rolling and the floor began vibrating! My brother was with me and he just looked and me. What was that! I said that it must have been a construction truck passing by. However he reminded me that the floor of the building was on a concrete slab and the building was built with girders. Plus the highway on which the nursing home was located was far in the distance. We immediately turned on NJ news on the TV and found that it was actually an earthquake!